Posted by nabilanafla on Monday, September 19, 2011

The Republican Candidates Debate at the Reagan Library happens tonight at 8pm. Eight Presidential candidates will square off in a debate co-moderated by John F. Harris of POLITICO and Brian Williams of NBC News. We'll be updating this page throughout the night with highlights from POLITICO’s coverage and around the web. Also check out our Burns and Haberman live blog and watch the debate livestream.

09/07/2011 10:00PM That's all for now. Stick with Burns and Haberman over on the 2012 live blog for more updates.

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09/07/2011 9:58PM The Arena: Who won the Reagan debate?

Eight Republican candidates are on stage at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif., for third debate of the presidential primary season, sponsored by POLITICO and NBC.

Who won or lost? Who did better or worse than expected?

09/07/2011 9:52PM Rick Perry says Galileo 'got outvoted' too

Rick Perry just gave a bit of a rambling answer on climate change, saying, "Well I do agree that the science is not settled on this. The idea that we would put America's economy at jeopardy based on ... science that's not settled yet. ... Galileo got outvoted for a spell."

09/07/2011 9:44PM Check out photos from the Reagan Debate.

09/07/2011 9:40PM No tea party membership cards, Romney quips

Mitt Romney, trying to lean into the tea party on the campaign trail without seeming like he's doing that, was asked if he's a member.

"I don't think you carry cards in the tea party," he laughed to himself, and without others joining.

09/07/2011 9:36PM Perry, Romney debate Social Security

09/07/2011 9:33PM Romney adviser: Perry 'has lost'

Mitt Romney's campaign leapt just now on Rick Perry's restatement of his view that Social Security is a "Ponzi scheme" and that promising to maintain it in its current form is a "monstrous lie."

09/07/2011 9:23PM On Immigration

Rick Perry talks border security, suggesting he would like to see, among other remedies, more boots on the ground.

Mitt Romney says he's against giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, but doesn't take a direct shot at Perry over his tuition for illegal immigrants bill. Newt Gingrich called for English as the official US language.

And Michele Bachmann repeats her support for a border fence, saying without it we would be "in effect (yielding) United States sovereignty."

09/07/2011 9:21PM Ron Paul: TSA 'abusive,' involved in 'all kind of sexual activities'

Put Ron Paul in the anti-pat-down column.

The Texas congressman accused the Transportation Security Administration of taking an “abusive” attitude towards passengers, disputing that government regulation helps airline security.

09/07/2011 9:15PM Where's Bachmann?

text: Michele Bachmann has had minimal screentime in this debate, in part because she's had few questions, but she's also done little to maintain a presence when she has gotten attention.

That said, Rick Perry is the front-and-center focus, a fact he's quite aware of.

09/07/2011 9:04PM Rick Perry repeats 'Ponzi scheme' charge, jabs Rove and Cheney

Rick Perry is sticking to his guns on Social Security, standing by the inflammatory language in his book declaring the entitlement program a “Ponzi scheme” and a failure.

09/07/2011 8:56PM @SaraLibby Lots of "Oh snap!" gasps in the press room just now. RT @jmartpolitico: Perry: "i'm not responsible for Karl anymore" #ohyeshedid

09/07/2011 8:53PM Huntsman swats Bachmann on gas

It’s not just Mitt Romney and Rick Perry mixing it up.

Jon Huntsman said shortly before the end of the first debate segment that he doesn’t think much of Michele Bachmann’s rhetoric on energy, which involves pledging to bring gas prices down to $2 a gallon.

09/07/2011 8:49PM @benpolitico: Perry on Rove: "Karl has been over the top for a long time in some of his remarks so I’m not responsible for Karl any more"

09/07/2011 8:49PM Fighting over the individual mandate

Perry: Texans don't "want a health care plan like Gov. Romney in the state of Massachusetts."

09/07/2011 8:36PM Angry Newt

Newt Gingrich's man-against-the-media routine worked in the last debate at Ames, and he tries it again as Williams and John Harris push for answers on Romneycare, Obamacare and individual mandates.

09/07/2011 8:32PM Michele Bachmann against 'socialized medicine'

Michele Bachmann comes out strong, saying the governors' calls for an executive order to repeal Obamacare won't cut it.

09/07/2011 8:23PM Perry, Romney at each other's throats

It took all of a few minutes at the POLITICO/NBC debate to have Mitt Romney and Rick Perry tearing each other up on the issue of jobs.

NBC moderator Brian Williams opened the debate by quizzing the two GOP frontrunners on their job creation records. And that was all it took to get the sparks flying.

09/07/2011 8:12PM Romney and Perry come out swinging within first minutes of #reagandebate  (via@POLITICO)

09/07/2011 8:00PM The debate kicks off on MSNBC.

09/07/2011 7:53PM So, one Rick will apparently come out swinging

It's still an open question how hard Rick Perry will swing at his rivals tonight, but Rick Santorum is certainly leaving no doubt about his plan, in a pre-game interview with Mike Allen.

09/07/2011 7:44PM WATCH LIVE: POLITICO's Pre-Debate Show

09/07/2011 7:31PM Video: Herman Cain talks to POLITICO

POLITICO's Mike Allen interviews former Godfathers Pizza CEO Herman Cain just before the GOP debate at Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Wednesday night.

09/07/2011 7:27 PM Brian Williams on presidential debate prep

09/07/2011 5:41PM Ron Paul adviser Jesse Benton baits Rick Perry

One of the more interesting — and potentially, in debate context, entertaining — rivalries of the 2012 race is the emerging tension between Ron Paul and Rick Perry.

09/07/2011 5:20PM Michele Bachmann is in the building

Photo by POLITICO Staff

09/07/2011 4:17PM Aide says Dem Perry still voted Reagan

Perry's team is showing some pre-debate Ronald Reagan love — and attack-thwarting — as an aide said that even when he was a Democrat, he voted for the Gipper. More from The Statesman.

09/07/2011PM 3:32PM Rick Perry debate appearance 'chance to introduce himself'

Rick Perry's high command is attempting to control expectations for their candidate's debate debut.

After Perry finished his walk-through on stage here at the Reagan Library, I asked his top strategist if the Texas governor would be the aggressor tonight.

09/07/2011 3:09PM Memorable primary-debate moments

Though they can help shape the race, voters forget most of the specifics of what’s said during presidential debates. But the zingers and gaffes endure.

As GOP candidates take the stage at Wednesday night’s Ronald Reagan Presidential Library debate sponsored by POLITICO and NBC News, we’ll be on the lookout for those made-for-TV — or for YouTube, or for Twitter — moments.

They’ll certainly have competition from these other memorable primary debate moments from the last few presidential cycles.



Posted by nabilanafla on Saturday, September 10, 2011

 Republican Debat

Texas Gov. Rick Perry will make his presidential debate debut tonight, competing with seven other Republican candidates on the eve of President Obama's address to Congress about his plan to create jobs.

There were questions about whether Perry would cancel his appearance because of wildfires in Texas, but Perry's office confirmed Tuesday that he will attend the NBC News/Politico debate, held at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif. Perry will join Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, businessman Herman Cain, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former Utah governor and ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.Republican Debat.

Obama's speech Thursday on jobs and unemployment has prompted some of the candidates to release their own economic plans, on which they will likely be questioned during tonight's forum, which begins at 8 p.m. EST. There will be live coverage at The Ticket.

But that's only one of the many tests the candidates will face.

Perry's debate skills Because it is Perry's first debate, much of the discussion has centered on whether Perry--whose debate skills haven't been tested at length during his political career--is a poor debater. Perry will likely be challenged for the first time by his competitors on his record in Texas, including his positions on immigration, and the viewpoints he expressed in his book "Fed Up!"--such as the ways in which he has argued the Constitution should be changed.
Republican Debat
[Read more about how Republicans can attack Perry here.]

Jobs Romney and Huntsman have each released a jobs plan, but their plans have also given their opponents something to criticize at the debate. Even the candidates without detailed proposals will be judged on what they say about this issue, what concrete ideas they offer and how they contrast themselves with the president.

To attack or not attack There will be some pressure to obey Reagan's "Eleventh Commandment" ("Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican") in the library of the 40th president and in the presence of his widow, Nancy Reagan. Most of the feuding among the candidates has so far been carried out via press releases and speeches--including Perry's recent slam of Romney's jobs plan. Will the candidates wage these battles face to face? Tim Pawlenty's decision during the second presidential debate to walk back his "Obamneycare" attacks against Romney was regarded as a disastrous move for the former Minnesota governor. Pawlenty was marked as gutless and pulled out of the race last month after a poor showing at the Iowa straw poll.

Frontrunner status Just this week, Bachmann's campaign manager, Ed Rollins (who has since decided to take a backseat role for her campaign), described the 2012 election as a "Perry-Romney race" with Bachmann in third-place. Tonight's debate could shake up that order or solidify it.

Bachmann's momentum Bachmann has shone in the previous two presidential debates. If Bachmann performs well at tonight's debate, she could recapture some of her lost momentum. If she doesn't, her campaign could sink even further.

Romney in a post-Perry world Tonight is Mitt Romney's most important moment since losing his front-runner status in the race. Will he change his campaign strategy by directly criticizing Perry?

Tea party favorite Bachmann has been regarded as the national tea party favorite, and it's unclear if Perry can knock her off that pedestal. Perry in recent weeks has issued edicts that have found some favor within the movement, including his book's criticism of social security as a "monstrous lie" and a Ponzi scheme (though he has attempted to walk back that criticism).

The other candidates Tonight's debate is significant for the frontrunners, but the stakes are at least as high for the rest of the field.  In recent weeks, Gingrich's campaign trajectory has plummeted and candidates like Santorum and Cain are struggling to register with voters.
Republican Debat.